Every Tuesday TurfNet sends an email called the TurfNet Turf Blog Aggregator where they compile the most interesting blog posts of that week from it's members. Mine has been on there a few times. Some of these blogs are extremely well done and I have learned a lot from them. At times I have added a link to a particular post that I thought was pertinent for us here at Mink. That is the case this week. As I scrolled down the email every post seemed to resonate with me. I am not sure if the link will work but here is this weeks Aggregator: LINK
Starting with Paul Carter, CGCS I truly believe the players have a bigger impact on conditions than the staff does. We can prep the course in the AM and have it look as if we were never there by 10:00. Jon Kiger has been my roommate on all the Bandon Dunes trips and does a great job organizing all the TurfNet members trips He has a special affinity for all things Irish even hosting a Celtic radio show in Atlanta.
I cannot tell you how many times I have felt silly watering in a product when rain is predicted or is actually falling. Brad Novotny does a great job explaining why we do what we have to sometimes. I mean the forecasts are never wrong right? Dave Schlagetter has been a contributor to the forum on TurfNet for years and has some great insights. "Robot" mowers are making some in-roads into golf and it is exciting and very daunting. What can I say about Bug Spray Disease? Fred Gehrisch, CGCS sums it up perfectly. I think most of us suffer from this affliction.
Even though we do not have ponds on the course we do have ponds and water bodies in Mink Meadows. Brian Stiehler, CGCS MG covers the issues of treating ponds for aquatic weeds. John Slade is a fixture on the Aggregator because he is simply damn good at it. Tremendous coverage of some of his summer staff and a reminder that few people here at Mink need. The members here are very good about complimenting the staff and appreciating the hard work they do every day.
Finally Jorge Croda, CGCS covers a topic I too believe in and participate in every day. The day you stop learning is the day they plant you in the ground. The final "Thoughts from a foolish golf course superintendent" is fairly new to the Aggregator but after seeing one a few weeks ago I decided to follow this and receive them every day. Many are quite good and very profound. One I loved and forwarded to a friend was this one:
I have thought about doing this format many times since the topics most superintendents write about and deal with are universal. I feel as though I would be reinventing the wheel so why not share a well written post. This week seemed to just strike a chord where every post was relevant. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
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