Am I the only one who feels as if the summer is flying by? For me I think it is the weather. The lack of heat does not make it feel like summer and I love it. Reminds me of the summers we had when I first came here lo those many years ago. You remember, when we did not need air conditioning except for a few days in august.
I scrolled through my phone pics to see what I should share with you and discovered I had not covered the painting of the pesticide storage building. This metal building was installed in my first Spring 1996. It has been a bear to keep paint on as you can imagine a metal building near the water would. I prepped and painted it first with a rust inhibitor (2 coats) then paint. Next was a sign which I had our resident artist Kelly design and paint. When I discovered the metal roof had a few small holes due to the accumulation of water and rust I had to figure out a solution. Having a retired contractor on payroll is nice. Rusty and I devised a plan to build a simple shed roof utilizng the tabs welded to the roof that the crane used to set the building. My son Josh was around for a short stay so he was given the task to build this roof and attach a rubber membrane.
before, during and after |
Artists at work |
Say what you will about the weather. It may not have been perfect for the beach but it sure was for the flowering hydrangea. People have told me from all over the island this is the best they have seen.
Banner year |
As we come to the end of July we are in the middle of our Men's and Women's Member-guest tourney's. The ladies had a great day yesterday and hopefully the weather holds out for the men. Both events are a great way to show off your club to your friends. Not that the Mink is not fun to play everyday because it is, but the respective parties try to make these events extra special. And my crew steps it up a notch to be sure the course is as good as it can be. If you have never played in one you should think about it for next year.
Member Guest season |
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