Well we finally received some rain. This allows us to drag the washboard out of the roads which is caused by cars traveling too fast when they dry out. Everyone tells me if you go fast you don't feel them as much, but that just makes it worse. If we all drive 15 mph we might never see a washboard and make the speed bumps unnecessary also.
dragging tine harrow on roads |
Of course the rain does bring it's challenges. The fungal disease known as dollar spot usually grows out of control after a rain event. It gets it's name from the silver dollar size brown spot it leaves on the turf. 1 or 2 is no big deal but hundreds or thousands and it becomes serious. When active it has a white cottony mycelium seen in the picture below in the rough behind 6 green. We use the Bioject to brew up a naturally occurring soil bacteria and then we spray it on the fairways. This approach has worked since 1998 and allowed us to not use synthetic fungicides on fairways to control this fungus.
active Dollar Spot fungus |
viewing platform |
water view from platform |
real estate pamphlet at platform |
Some of you may have noticed the new wooden structure in the woods to the right of 8 approach? It is a viewing platform of the nice water view we have from number 8. One of the few remaining empty lots left in Mink Meadows is on the market and they think this will help sell the lot. Of course if you want water views there is actually a water front lot for sale also. Both pond and Vineyard Sound front to be exact. I will say it is a nice place to live with some amazing sunrises over that pond and sunsets over the sound.
Mirror-Mirror on Mink Meadows pond at sunrise |
sunset at beach July 4th Nature's fireworks |
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