Second mowing, Pit - New tees update & TWEETS

Chris and I went out to mow greens and collars/approaches Thursday mostly to clean them up for the weekend. I assumed they had not grown much from last week with the temps and wind we had this week. Boy was I wrong. I was getting a ton off the greens. Almost as much as last week. For the nursery it was the first mowing and I filled the buckets just on that green.
1st mowing of nursery
This was also the week we did the beach cut. Checking in on that project was breath taking, not for the views which are always nice, but from the sheer audacity of the weather. Every day it was 30's with wind in the 30's. Not very conducive to beach walking although Bert never seemed to mind. It was accomplished without incident and hopefully it stays open all summer.

I attended another Google+ hangout recently and there was discussion about some conversation on our topic that occurred on Twitter. That made think I was missing something and so I created a Twitter account and started tweeting some of the goings on during the week. I know what you are thinking: "for someone who hates much of what goes on in social media you sure seem to be jumping into a bunch of it", and you would not be wrong it is certainly a love/hate relationship for me. I am simply trying to stay close to mainstream and if tossing out a few tweets will better inform people about what is going on at the Mink than I will give it a shot. So look for me on Twitter @22Crowther
Screened topsoil

Will screening topsoil
Unloading screener to attach to smaller truck to deliver to pit

Beach cut hauling spoils
 I am simply trying to stay close to mainstream and if tossing out a few tweets will better inform people about what is going on at the Mink than I will give it a shot. So look for me on Twitter @22Crowther

I also aerified, topdressed, rolled & brushed the new tees this week

Frank on his first day back putting the ballwashers/trash cans out
More personal-professional happenings this week are that I attended my first Toastmasters meeting this week. I have had many conversations with a friend off-island who belongs and it always interested me. I even tried to attend a meeting with him last winter that fell apart at the last minute. I missed the organizational meeting but am thrilled to see we have started a local club here on MV. For more on Toastmasters check it out HERE

Late last week we had a contractor pull the stumps and clear the topsoil in our expanded pit area. This will allow us to start construction of a few more forward tees. We took delivery of a screener so we can screen the topsoil and possibly some fill if necessary and if all goes well we will start work on tees next week. The rest of the staff, Fred & Otis made appearances in fact even Walt came down to say hello so the snow bird migration has begun. We also charged up the irrigation system and so far all appears well. We had a pin hole leak in the weld on the new valve installed but the welder returned and we were up and running in no time. The PM (pressure maintenance) cycle or how often the pm pump comes on was 40 minutes this morning. We use this number to gauge how tight or leaky the system is. Will actually found a weeping head this morning. Typically in the summer we run a 10-12 min cycle and think we are good. The high numbers when we first turn on are, in my estimation, a reflection of the old abandoned galvanized pipe rusted up over the winter and sealed nicely. As we flow water in the system the rust moves around and the pipe starts to leak. Most often these are deep enough so as not to come to the surface, nice to have well drained soils, but it is really like living on a time bomb just waiting for the inevitable. We are using the original mainline from 1936 and anything that was attached to it is also live even if we are not "using" it to feed a sprinkler. I have not checked the galvi pipe ends we found building the new tees on 1 yet to see if they are live. We put valves on them just in case. The weather for the next week looks good so it will be go time very soon.

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