We received roughly 10 - 12 inches of snow. Hard to tell because the tail end was light and drifting everywhere. This storm had everything: rain, (not as much as predicted), heavy wet snow, light fluffy snow, tree damage, power outages, wires down, tree company trucks stuck in a road drain. Wild night. I took the first shift and plowed from 6pm until 4:00 am when Chris and Will came in to take over. Here is a photo and movie show from the event: Note I originally posted this from a friends house with only two hrs sleep and could not get videos to load (was sat 3:30 pm). We did not have Internet in MM and some still (Sunday 6:15AM 19 degrees) do not have power. I toured the roads this morning, after a nice 10 hr nap, and only had to clean up the road by the 7th green which had closed up with drifting snow and I now have Internet back so will attempt to post video again.

private property

side of Golf Club Rd

near 2 tee. was the tree in the pay loader video

near 2 fwy was leaning on all wires

500 feet from tree above

my neglected stairs all ice and powder

stuck tree truck
this one actually came down sat. because it was still blowing pretty good -near p-lot entrance G.C. road 

baby trees in the beginning of the night



  1. Thanks Matt and crew for your great work. How's that dead, leaning tree beside the 9th tee?

  2. Bruce by the end of the day yesterday I was fuzzy at best so not seeing everything I should have. The more I looked into the course from the roads the more tree damage Idid see, however. My guess is any of the trees (one you mentioned) I would like to come down are still standing. Maybe when Ellen goes x-country skiing she can give us a full report of damage to the course?
