Material Storage update

After conversation with Bobcat it appeared we would be down for at least a week. Their service technician came out Wednesday, we thought to remove a part and take back to  their shop to rebuild and return next week to put back. It ended up being something he repaired on the spot in a couple of hours. So we managed to get back to prepping the area for concrete. First we helped load the sawmill guys with the pines cut down Friday then we shot some grades to see how the area of the new configuration looked.

Steve from Bobcat. wishing we had a bigger shop

four seals and our bobcat leak is repaired

Will's contribution to figuring out how many blocks we will need

Pretty sure Will's son Henry helped in this project

logs being loaded for trip to sawmill
 The original layout was two bins right behind the gas pump entered from the green side with three bins parallel to the fairway. We have flipped them to the opposite side of the area so now they will have the back side to the green. This gave us more room as I mentioned and allows better flow through the area. Now that we have the overhanging trees gone we can check the grades and dial that in before setting the forms. Three of our truck loads of hardener later we should have the grades close. If things would ever dry up we could actually move the material around and compact it. Mud neither compacts or shapes very well. woke up yesterday to a dusting, see picture, today to another mosh pit with .36"  of rain falling overnight with more predicted today.
I guess it is still winter

pulling gate & fence post cemented together

compacting new post location

un-used gate on other side of bldg. notice shrubs, growth behind

moving gates from one location to the other

new gate in new location. open position, fence removed
We went ahead and swapped gates from the other side of the building. This gate was not in a good spot and never used. It was however larger so helped us in this new location. We took down 4 sections of fence to widen the entrance into the mat. storage area. This fence will go to the right of the gate behind the telephone pole in picture.

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