It is 11:00 am and we are in the middle of the second storm on this one two punch hitting the northeast. Yesterday we had a few inches of snow then some rain and spent the day tossing sand around some roads that are all ice. Woke up this morning to all rain and heavy at times. At the time of this post it is 41 degrees and we have had .87 inches of rain since yesterday with a heavy blast coming down as I type. Soil temps are 28.9 degrees so you can well imagine the issues where the precip at the surface will freeze. With temps predicted below freezing tonight we will be under our skating rink conditions once again.
cart staging area and flag pole lawn |
view from winter tee number one |
drain by cart barn. at least two feet deep before it leaves wide spot |
This video is of the water running across the flag pole lawn and path as it enters the drain by the cart barn.
ok so video did not come out as clear as I hoped but you get the idea. It was flowing like a river and this was during a lull in the rain. While typing this up it came down sideways.